Martletwing Commissions Information

Current commissions status: OPEN

Process description:

  • First, you should contact me through: Discord (Martletwing # 4074) or E-mail ([email protected])

  • After you contact me, I’ll tell you if there are open slots. If not, I’ll add you to the line and will let you know when the next slot is open;

  • Together, we will discuss your commission. Best option is if you have a very clear picture in your head, but if not, I’ll do my best to help you with that. Description has to be in a text form, as detailed as possible - you’ll make my job way easier by that.

  • When we discussed everything, I set the (almost) final bill. After that, you pay 100% if commission is less than 15$ or 50% if more than 15$ in advance;

  • While I'm working on your commission, I'll be sending you the process. At each step you approve or ask me to change something until you're satisfied. If you ask for changes after approval, it may add up to 20$ to amount;

  • Work is done, and I send you the final result for approval. After that you send the part of the amount left, and we are both happy.



Sketch is a rough, often messy drawing without much detail.

Headshot: 5$Bust: 6$Fullbody: 9$

Flat Character

This kind of commission is a picture with a clean line and flat colors;

Headshot: 7$Bust: 9$Fullbody: 15$

Shaded Character

This kind of commission is a picture with clean lines and color and with volume lighting;

Headshot: 10$Bust: 13$Fullbody: 20$

Lineless Character

This kind of commissions is a picture without a lineart, shaded and mostly textured;

Headshot: 15$Bust: 17$Fullbody: 25$

Additional price:

  • Simple background (texture, flat color, shade) is free, just ask;

  • Complex character design may add up to 5$;

  • Complex background may add up to 10-20$;


Illustration is a more massive picture with detailed background and fully rendered;

Illustration price highly depends on complexity;Simple illustrations: 30-40$Middle illustrations: 50-70$Hard illustrations: 60-100$

Simple illustration

Middle illustration

Hard illustration

Animation loop

Animation price highly depends on complexity;


  • You pay 100% upfront if commission is less than 10$ or 50% if more than 10$;

  • I will receive payment via PayPal;

  • All the prices are in USD;

  • I can deny a request for any reason without explanation;

  • Do not use my art for commercial purposes;

  • Drop me screenshot of the payment after transition (there's a hard system to make PayPal work in my country, so I need it as an instant confirmation);

  • Description has to be in a text and/or picture form, as detailed as possible;

  • I will always put a watermark on the final product, do not remove it.

  • Do not edit or trace the product, and do not claim yourself to be the artist;

  • Just please, be polite;